This is the third aspect of the armor of God – the shoes. It is critical to be able to stand in a world that is
so unstable in almost every sense of the word.
We see Paul using the Roman soldier he is chained to, to illustrate the necessity of being properly
prepared to serve the Lord in an adverse world.
Romans 5v1 says; Therefore, having been justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord
Jesus Christ. Because of the fall of Adam and Eve every human being is born into this world literally at
war with God i.e. by nature rebellious against God and His will and purpose for us. So for us to have the
readiness to share the gospel we need to know, first and foremost, Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and
One of our greatest areas of witness to the non-Christian is how we handle difficulties and struggles in
our day-to-day life. If we are characterized by worry, anxiety, stress and outbursts of impatience, we lose
our distinctiveness as Christians, basically because that is how the world behaves.
What is needed is an appropriate outlet. Paul says that in everything by prayer and supplication make
known your difficulties, struggles and battles to God. Don’t hold onto or hide your anxieties, instead
share them with God. By faith we are placing all our anxieties into God’s sovereign and providential care.
Anxiety is symptomatic of unbelief. Christians can exhibit an incredible testimony by not being anxious
despite the gravity of the circumstances. Note also that as we pray we should couple it with
thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a key element of submission to God, to His sovereignty and providential
One last thing I think is important to see in terms of experiencing the peace of God, is having a sound
understanding of what exactly the gospel is. It is the good news of Jesus Christ’s substitutionary death,
burial and resurrection, which has defeated the power of death and sin. Paul says it so well in Romans
8:1-2; There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk
according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made
me free from the law of sin and death.
Putting on the gospel shoes is part of recognizing that God has done for us what we could never do for
ourselves. So we not only experience peace with God, but also the peace of God in our daily walk with
by Carl Carmody
Editor Challenge
Read More ...
The Lord is My Shepherd (Part 8)
The Lord is My Shepherd (Part 7)
The Lord is My Shepherd (Part 6)
The Lord is My Shepherd (Part 5)
The Lord is My Shepherd (Part 4)
The Lord is My Shepherd (Part 3)
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