Share the Good News Of Jesus 

Helping Christians Introduce People to Jesus.

Helping Christians Introduce People to Jesus.

Want to know who Jesus is?

Main Edition

Prison Edition

Spanish Edition

People matter to God. People matter to us. Let's share!

We imagine a world in which EVERY PERSON

has the opportunity to hear about Jesus.

Are you ready to join us in

Sharing Eternal Hope ...

that truly TRANSFORMS lives?

Do you have a plan to reach your friends, family, or local community with the Gospel?

If not, let us help you get started today!  Click Here.

Perhaps you have tried and it didn't seem to go so well.

Are you wondering what's important to share, or how to do it simply?

We can help you with that too!

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Less than 2% of Christians share their faith on a regular basis.

180,000+ people per day pass into eternity, at best 10% know Jesus personally.

More money is spent on pet care than missions each year.

Most people indicate they are open to spiritual discussions.

Sharing your testimony is one of the most effective ways to share the Gospel?

If every Christian gave 2% more that would be enough to cover Global missions.

Wondering How Challenge Could Help You?

Entry level evangelism for any body, with no prior training required.

Simple steps to opening doors :

Order papers, hand them out, engage in conversation.


Sporting Events


International Missions


Local Outreach

With A Vision To Help Others...

Clearly Communicate Jesus Christ

we provide a high quality tool to help Christians, Churches and Ministries easily share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

REAL TESTIMONIES of changed lives

Articles of HOPE

Children's activity pages

STORIES of heroes in the spotlight

Scientific articles of the EVIDENCE OF GOD

Practical life helps

I Want To ...

 Spread the Good News Of Jesus With A Simple Tool That Shares Testimonies Of Changed Lives.

What Others Say About Challenge ...

Tom Pendergrass, Urbancrest, Lebanon, Ohio

"I'm writing to you today as the Senior Pastor of Urbancrest at Lebanon and as a disciple of Christ who looks at the overwhelming number of unsaved people all around me. Challenge The Good News Paper can help your congregation reach your community in a way that is biblical, relevant and affordable, the same way it is helping churches across the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and South America."

Joel (Ohio):

I had a burden to share my faith and knew that our church encouraged us to reach the lost and offered a lot of training to do so. It is something that I have always struggled with. However, I took up the challenge to take a handful of papers to distribute. I took my daughters to get ice-cream and left some Challenge News papers on the tables. We then sat there eating our ice-creams and watched people pick them up and read. It was such a great first step not only for me, but a great example for my daughters.

Vic (Western Australia):

I was keen to share my faith but struggled with where to start. I had read many books and materials on how to share my faith, but just could not seem to get out of the starting blocks. The paper gave me an easy conversation starter. And from there, my confidence has grown to be able to share on a regular basis.

Robert (from Alabama):

I knew biblically that I should be sharing my faith, but I never felt prepared or equipped. When I discovered the Challenge Good News paper, it was such an easy on ramp to get me started. On a mission trip to another state, I went to a shopping mall with a team of people. We started to hand the papers out to shoppers entering and exiting the mall. This gave me an opportunity to engage in conversation with some of these people. When I returned home, I have continued to use the paper to share the gospel in my local area and am growing in confidence to fulfill what God has called us to … “go into all the world” with the message of hope.


The thing that I love most about the Challenge Paper is that it requires no formal training or course to complete prior to starting. Anyone at any age is able to offer the Hope of the Gospel to anyone they meet.

Angelique (teen):

With all of the other good news articles and activities in the paper, it is a great opening to be sharing the paper with people. Then the Gospel is also shared through the testimonies. I have helped share the Gospel through the paper at many of our church outreach activities including neighborhood distribution, sporting events, baskets of hope, block parties etc.

Faye (70 yo from Western Australia):

 I never realized what an impact the Challenge Paper would have not only in my life, but in the life of our church. I was so impressed by the ease of use and willing acceptance of the paper. Upon returning home from a mission trip, I encouraged our church to start using this as a means of reaching our local community. Praise the Lord, we have seen much fruit from our local distribution.

Hans (Canada):

We used the Challenge Paper as a primary evangelistic tool at our Summer Sports Camps. We were able to distribute 10,000 papers to people who never come to church and who may not engage in conversation with us. We had 58 responses to the gospel.

Jane (Australia):

A friend gave me the challenge newspaper to do the crossword and suduko. When I had finished, I thought the articles in the newspaper looked interesting so decided to read them. This is the first time that I had ever heard who Jesus Christ was and why He came. Thank you for the great work you are doing in sharing hope with people like me.

Chaplain Michae! A. Henson Ohio State Penitentiary, Ohio

Sometimes we, as chaplains and administrators, are either consumed by our work, take for granted and/or make assumptions concerning those donations that institutions, like yours, make to us. Why our consideration to you? Because you do not have to do it for us by giving us free reading materials. Your work and ministry do not go by us unnoticed, and have made a profound and provocative impact on our inmates. For instance, while conducting our duty rounds, those who are incarcerated have expressed continuously to our staff how inspirational, informative, and influential are your insights and observations in your articles.

Anthony Askew, Chaplain Easterling Correctional Facility, Alabama

Thank you for the Challenge Newspaper...Would it be permissible to copy segments of the newspaper so that more of the men can avail themselves of the positive messages? We have many who share the newspapers and sometimes the papers do not hold up with all the handling. Plus the puzzles can be distributed to a wider group. My staff believe in the power of prayer and we would count it an honor to include your ministry in our prayers. Thank you. Your ministry is truly a blessing.

Entry level evangelism for any body, with no prior training required.

Help Change Someone's Eternity.  Share the Good News Of Jesus

With A Simple Tool Giving Testimonies Of Changed Lives.

We'll send you tips on how to use them.

Challenge Partners With Churches & Ministries Across The World

Untitled design (48)
a child's hope
upwards sport
Caring Partners
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Evangelism Role Play Questions

Evangelism Role Play Questions

7 Simple Steps To Sharing Your Faith

Copy of 7 Simple Steps to Sharing Jesus

How To Communicate The Gospel

Challenge_ How to Communicate The Gospel

5 Great Questions - Spiritual Conversations

Challenge_ Five Great Questions For

Helpful Verses To Memorize Or Share

How To Become A Christian

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Challenge Literature Fellowship USA

2634 Drake Road, (P.O. Box 742)

Lebanon, Ohio 45036

phone: 513-849-0162
email: [email protected]

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