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The Challenge Prison Ministry was born in 2011 to reach the U.S. prison system which is a vast mission field. Challenge wanted to bring the Good News to prisoners who are desperate for hope. Additionally, to assist the prison chaplains by reinforcing their tireless efforts as they serve the prison community.

Why Help Prisoners?

As of today, the Challenge newspaper is in over 360 prisons throughout the United States and Canada. The response to these newspapers has been immense. Chaplains inform us that the prison edition disappears from their shelves. Prisoners write and tell us how the articles have encouraged them to learn more about Jesus and His saving grace. These prisoners are hungry to know that they too can be forgiven and redeemed. In 2019 alone, we have received over 1356 prisoner responses to the gospel message which is included in every Challenge newspaper.

Discipleship for Prisoners

Challenge forges partnerships with the prison Chaplains to promote discipleship of inmates and their families. Many prisoners respond to a notice placed in the prison edition for Crossroads Prison Ministry (CPM). All requests for more biblical material like Bibles and Bible studies are sent on to CPM to correspond with the prisoners' request.

Crossroads Prison Ministry (CPM)

Crossroads Prison Ministry (CPM) is an international discipleship ministry for prisoners and their families. CPM equips the church to disciple prisoners with the Word of God. CPM connects prisoners with volunteer mentors on the outside. Friendships are formed. The life of both the prisoner and mentor are changed as they exchange letters, study God’s Word and apply biblical truths to their lives.

Testimonials and Endorsements

We can help you to clearly share about Jesus Christ and His plan of salvation for all people.


We can help you to clearly share about Jesus Christ and His plan of salvation for all people.

Contact Us

Challenge Literature Fellowship USA

2634 Drake Road, (P.O. Box 742)

Lebanon, Ohio 45036

web: challengenewsus.org
phone: 513-804-8818
email: [email protected]

© Copyright Challenge USA All Rights Reserved 2020

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